Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted.
About EIT Food
„EIT Food, established by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), is building an inclusive and innovative community of diverse food sector partners, to drive innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.
We are all responsible for, and connected to, the food that we eat so we all need to work together to improve it.”
EIT Food Explained: how we are improving food together:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRtNjyVEL8eZt8fdxfENJQ
EIT website homepage: https://eit.europa.eu/
EIT in your language: https://eit.europa.eu/hu/in-your-language
EIT RIS: https://eit.europa.eu/our-activities/eit-regional-innovation-scheme
EIT Food website hompage: https://www.eitfood.eu/
EIT Food country page: https://www.eitfood.eu/in-your-country/country/hungary
The Mission of EIT Food
We need to future proof our food. So we are on a mission to build an inclusive and innovative community where the consumer is actively involved.
This is achieved through our 6 strategic objectives:
Overcome low consumer trust: Supporting European citizens in the transition towards a smart food system that is inclusive and reassuring
Create consumer-valued food for healthier nutrition: Enabling infividuals to make informed and affordable personal nutrition choices
Build a consumer-centric connected food system: Developing a digital food supply network with consumers and industry as equal partners
Enhance sustainability through resource stewardship: Developing solutions to transform the traditional ’produce-use-dispose’ model into a circular bio-economy
Educate to engage, innovate and advance: Providing ’food system’ skills for students, entrepreneurs and professionals through advanced training programmes
Catalyse food entrepreneurship and innovation: Fostering innovation at all stages of business creation
Download the EIT Food Strategic Agenda for 2021-2027 (pdf)
Link to the EIT Food website: https://www.eitfood.eu/
There are currently eight Innovation Communities and each focuses on a different societal challenge:
EIT Climate-KIC: Drivers of climate innovation in Europe and beyond
EIT Digital: For a strong, digital Europe
EIT Food: EIT Food connects businesses, research centres, universities and consumers.
EIT Health: Together for healthy lives in Europe
EIT InnoEnergy: Pioneering change in sustainable energy
EIT Manufacturing: Strengthening and increasing the competiveness of Europe's manufacturing
EIT Raw Materials: Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe
EIT Urban Mobility: Smart, green and integrated transport
EIT Regional Innovation Scheme: working across Europe
The EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) is an outreach programme to help more organisations across Europe benefit from the EIT Community’s work and participate in its activities. The EIT RIS aims to increase the ability to innovate of European regions not yet working with the EIT and its Innovation Communities. The EIT RIS brings companies, universities, research labs and stakeholder organisations into Europe’s largest Innovation Community
Countries eligible to take part in the EIT RIS (2021-2024):
EU Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.
Horizon Europe Associated Countries*: Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.
Outermost Regions: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint-Martin (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain).
*These third countries, which are all listed in the European Innovation Scoreboard, will be fully eligible for the EIT RIS, following the successful conclusion of individual Horizon Europe Association Agreements.
Link to the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme website:https://eit.europa.eu/our-activities/eit-regional-innovation-scheme
Activities of EIT Food
The Approach: achieving the missions by
Scaling agrifood startups: Creating and scaling-up agrifood startups to deliver new food innovations and businesses
Developing leaders: Developing talents and leaders to transform the food system
Launching new products: Launching new innovative products and ingredients to deliver healthier and more sustainable food
Engaging the public: Engaging the public so that they can the agents of change in the food system
Further information about EIT Food projects: https://www.eitfood.eu/eit-food-projects/
You can find more informations about current EIT Food programs in the event calendar: https://www.eitfood.eu/events/
Programs offered by the EIT Food
Startups play a fundamental role in transforming the food system. We can help you with your business ideas. We support innovative impactful agrifood entrepreneurs and startups to deliver new food innovations and businesses across Europe. We offer:
an unparalleled network: access to 50+ of Europe’s leading agrifood businesses, universities and research organisations;
European reach: we have a presence in every country in Europe (and beyond!), helping your business reach new markets and develop internationally;
a powerful brand: as the designated EU body to transform Europe’s food system, you will benefit from our powerful brand making your business more attractive to investors and customers;
long term support: we provide support from the generation of ideas for as long as you need it.
For individuals, innovators, scientists, PhD students or master’s students with a product or service idea to disrupt the existing markets in healthcare, agri-food, raw materials, energy, urban mobility or manufacturing sectors.
A 8 months-long programme delivered across Central-Eastern and Southern Europe, that aims to find and validate the best business model for your innovative idea. The courses build on the lean start-up methodology from Silicon Valley translated to the European Environment. The participants learn about how to refine a deal, market segmentation, customer value proposition, market segmentation, financials, investment basics, legal basics.
Seedbed Incubator
For individuals, scientists and aspiring entrepreneurs who are driven to solve the complex challenges facing our food system.
A 6-month pre-accelerator programme, delivered across five EU hubs, that aims to transform innovative ideas into market-validated business propositions.
EIT Food Accelerator Network (FAN)
For entrepreneurs and registered startups who are on their way to transforming the food system.
An accelerator programme delivered at six unique innovation ecosystems in Europe. Increase your visibility in the agrifood space and maximise your chance of success.
For high-potential agrifood mature startups and early scaleups becoming international gamechangers.
The RisingFoodStars Network allows successful, impactful agrifood scaleups to scale to the next level in becoming the international game changers of the future.
For innovators with agrifood solutions who want to find a business partner.
TeamUp matches agrifood startups and entrereneurs with business innovators and helps them co-create impactful agrifood ventures. Find the right team member or co-founder for your agrifood startup.
Test Farms
For innovative agritech startups with a prototype/MVP
Need help with testing your agritech solution? Test Farms programme is designed to link innovative agritech startups with farmers or agricultural land to do a pilot project. Through enabling these links EIT Food wants to help innovative agritech ideas to validate and test their products and services, showcase their business to customers and investors and finally support the technological transformation in European agriculture.
Empowering Women in Agrifood
A 6-months entrepreneurial programme tailored to create business solutions for specific challenges in agrifood designed for women regardless of their age, family situation, experience in business. In 2021 80 women from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Spain and Turkey are upskilled on how to start their agrifood business and be successful, receiving personalised mentoring, training and becoming part of the big EIT Food community. The ultimate goal is to overcome the existing gender gap in the agrifood sector with a special focus on less innovative European regions: promoting inclusivity and diversity between business founders and increase female-founded startups.
Challenge Labs
Creative workshops designed to find solutions to current and future challenges in the food and agriculture system.
Challenge Labs are designed to tackle the big problems facing the food sector by bringing together diverse groups of people. It is hoped that Challenge Labs will spark co-founder relationships, lead to the creation of new businesses and build links between industry, academia and startups. The primary aim of each Challenge Lab is to find innovative solutions to big, tangible problems faced by the food sector.
In 2021 there were 7 Challenge Labs organised around Eastern, Central and Southern Europe within Regional Innovation Scheme.
From summer schools and online courses to dedicated Master and PhD programmes, we have developed a range of activities for anyone who wants to learn about food. We work with leading higher education institutions and food companies to develop and offer exciting programmes to help individuals with their career in the food system.
Our programmes are aimed at current and future students as well as professionals either wanting to work or already working in the sector. They are designed together with industry professionals and entrepreneurs and are tailored to fit around busy schedules. We have something for everyone.
Advance your career by taking part in a range of courses for professional development to keep up-to-date and develop new skills.
Solve global challenges by co-creating new solutions to transform the food system and have real impact in the world.
Grow your business with our courses for entrepreneurs and SME owners, helping you to transform towards a more sustainable future.
Learn with us by joining one of our online courses about the food system and how future trends will change how we produce and consume food! Everyone is welcome, these online opportunities are open to all.
EIT Food RIS Fellowships
For young passionate people from higher education, who have an interest in the agri-food sector and are willing to gain a professional experience in the international environment.
A professional paid 3-6 months internships, that allow candidates to discover job opportunities in the food industry. EIT Food RIS Fellowships is divided into two complementary programs:
RIS Fellowships, dedicated to MSc students, graduates and young entrepreneurs. Beneficiaries can apply academic knowledge in practical contexts of work and develop a creative problem-solving competence at KIC partner organizations to spur a weave of entrepreneurial innovations in their home countries. Candidates get a chance to gain hands-on experience in the food industry, strengthening their job-related skills and competences including analytical thinking and creative problem-solving. RIS Fellowships interns are engaged in learning-by-doing activities at their host company - internal projects or day-to-day tasks of each host partner.
RIS Talents, dedicated to doctoral students and young post-docs. Applicants benefit from lessons learned in R&D works and they are encouraged to engage in industrial collaboration or entrepreneurship during their internship. RIS Talents interns have an opportunity to develop critical thinking competence by participating in innovation projects, R&D projects led by EIT Food partner organisations or Horizon Europe projects.
RIS Summer Schools
For students, entrepreneurs, researchers, and professionals interested in creating a business idea around most significant issues of the food system.
The Summer School model is designed to develop skills and capabilities based on entrepreneurship, as well as enhance knowledge relating to the different issues facing the agrifood sector.
Food System Master of Science Programme
The programme is based on a combination of essential entrepreneurial skills, which will help you to become an effective innovator, and key technical skills that are tailored to your career ambition in the sector.
The Master in Food Systems programme is developing top talent for the food sector, by training the leaders of the future. Organised by leading academic institutions and industrial partners from across our Partner network, this programme aims to prepare you to drive a future transformation of the food system and increase the competitiveness of the companies you chose to work for.
EIT Food Government Executive Academy
For public sector representatives, deepening their knowledge of agri-food innovations and sectoral regulation, and helping address societal challenges across Europe.
The Academy is an advisory and capability building program that offers insights into challenges related to food system innovations and regulations. It is also an opportunity to exchange best practices that will contribute to further improvements of Research & Innovation Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) and inspire the future development of operational programs based on the EU Structural and Investment Funds as well as networking opportunities for public sector representatives from different regions and countries.
RIS Professional Development
For farmers, SMEs employees, and young professionals, considered to be the game changers of the food sector in their regions.
A multidimensional educational program with a main purpose to invite career progressors from the agri-food world to turn their innovative ideas into action and to become entrepreneurs in their business implementing sustainable solutions in local geographical area.
Regenerative Agriculture (Poland)
For farmers, Agricultural consultants and advisors
Program supporting farmers to understand, appreciate and transition their farms towards regenerative agriculture. Regenerative Agriculture Revolution Program consists of a comprehensive training program that supports farmers in learning about and then applying the principles of regenerative agriculture on their farms combined with financial support provided by EIT Food. Finally, the Program contributes to the creation of a like-minded farmers network implementing and promoting regenerative agriculture principles at the farm level.
Online courses
Join one of our online courses to learn about the food system and how future trends will change how we produce and consume food.
EIT Food online courses are open to all, aimed at anybody interested in learning more about the food system and can mostly be accessed for free. Expand your mind and learn more about food, such as where it comes from and how it affects human health.
All courses here.
Engaging with people so they become a change agents of the food system.
RIS Consumer Engagement Labs
Pre-competitive co-creation sessions carried out by a group of consumers, selected based on specific segmentation criteria, focused on the development of new product concepts.
EIT Food Consumer Engagement Labs put the consumers in the centre of the creative process, unleashing their creative potential, and turning the consumers into genuine change agents, who propose new products or services to be implemented by companies.
Agrifood Futures (Expert Community on LInkedIn)
For researchers, agrifood experts from corporate to share and collaborate on projects working towards solutions to the most pressing agrifood challenges
The EIT Food Experts community brings together agrifood experts from corporate, entrepreneurial and research backgrounds to share and collaborate on projects working towards solutions to the most pressing agrifood challenges. The group is for you if you are an expert with years of experience and knowledge in the agrifood sector, with an interest in increasing your industry knowledge, expanding your professional network, finding potential project partners and resources, discussing interesting ideas and initiatives, curated content from experts worldwide. If you think we’ve missed something or could improve your experience in the group, let us know. Reach out to us at foodexperts@eitfood.eu and we'll get back to you.
A community creating the future of food together. FoodUnfolded® aims to increase trust in food and catalyse a movement of people interested in creating the future of food together.
FoodUnfolded® is a digital platform and a community which is reconnecting people with their food. We are increasing the perceived value of food by sharing informative and science-based knowledge. A big part of this involves encouraging dialogue and creating interest in the future of food.
Further information:

dr. Adrienn Hegyi, Campden BRI Hungary
Judith Cser, Campden BRI Hungary