R+D Projects
Currently running projects:
2019-2022 S3FOOD – HORIZON 2020, INNOSUP-2018-2020, For a better innovation support to SMEs
2018-2022 FutureEUAqua – HORIZON 2020, BG-2018-2020, Blue Growth
2018- 2021 GLOPACK - HORIZON 2020, SFS-35-2017, IA: Granting society with Low environmental impact innovative PACKaging (Project number: 773375)

Smart Sensor Systems for Food safety, quality control and resource efficiency in the food processing industry (S3FOOD) will facilitate the modernisation and digitalisation of the food processing industry. S3FOOD will stimulate the integration of IoT and related technologies via the implementation of smart sensor systems in the food production processes in order to improve quality control, resource efficiency and the follow-up of food safety in the food production process. S3FOOD brings together clusters with a background in food processing industry, IoT, ICT and sensor technology.
Project Coordinator: Veerle Rijckaert, Business development & internationalization manager; Veerle De Graef, Innovation manager and Gus Verhaeghe, Innovation manager - Flanders' Food (BELGIUM)

The overall objective of FutureEUAqua is to effectively promote sustainable growth of resilient to climate changes, environmental friendly organic and conventional aquaculture of major fish species and low trophic level organisms in Europe, to meet future challenges with respect to the growing consumer demand for high quality, nutritious and responsibly produced food. To this end, FutureEUAqua will promote innovations in the whole value chain, including genetic selection, ingredients and feeds, non-invasive monitoring technologies, innovative fish products and packaging methods, optimal production systems.
Project Coordinator Nofima: Åsa Maria O. Espmark asa.espmark@nofima.no
Further information in Hungary:
Attila Berczeli, General Manager
Tel: +36 1 433 14 70
GLOPACK is a project involving a multi-stakeholder consortium of 16 partners that aims to lift the barriers to market uptake by providing a favourable technological, social and economic framework to sustainable food packaging innovations within a three-year time frame.
Project Coordinator: Valérie Guillard, Université de Montpellier
Further information in Hungary:
Zsófia Kertész
Tel: +36 1 433 14 88
E-mail: zsofia.kertesz@campdenbri.co.uk